Rockfall at Bismantova Cliff
Advisor: Mr. Nicolò Doglioni, Geologist Project Description:
The Pietra of Bismantova (North Apennines chain) is a characteristic relief surrounded by vertical faces with height ranging between 50 and 140 m. The features of the rock mass give high risk of collapses of large slabs and pillars. Afterwards a large rockfall, the Administration requested the design of the remedial measures for the protection of the area that is visited by a lot of climbers and where there is an old monastery. The geomechanical survey pointed out that there were several large unstable masses, included some pillar that takes the whole slope height. Because of the limited available funds, the design was aimed at solving the most urgent instability problems. The designed interventions consist of the rockfall barriers, temporary protective drapery, nailing of the unstable masses. All of the interventions have been though taking into account that (a) aesthetical aspects (the cliff lies into a natural park), (b) the installation technologies on the rock face (no scaling was admitted) , ( c) the intervention priority and (d) the available economic resources.
Activities Performed:
Geo mechanical survey, stability rock fall analysis, definition of the hazard
Designing of rock fall barrier and of consolidation intervention.
- Client:
- ANAS S.p.a.
- Location:
- Parma, Italy